Can Business Coaching Work For Business Partners?

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A business partnership can be valuable in a lot of ways. Your partners can often see problems and solutions you can’t – and vice versa. They can provide much-needed feedback and alternate perspectives during discussions about the company’s direction and processes.

Business Coaching can work for business partners, too, as well as for single owner companies. Brian Tracy’s style of Business Coaching – which we use here at FocalPoint Business Coaching– has proven to be adaptable and effective for individual business owners, groups, and partnerships all over the world, for more than 30 years.

The differences between partner Business Coaching and single owner coaching really comes down to how the Coaching sessions are run. Here are some of the ways in which a series of partner Coaching sessions can lead to measurable improvements in your business.

Your Coach will be a peer – a “ghost partner.”

Every FocalPoint Business Coach comes from years of experience at the senior level of several companies – either as business owner, CEO, executive vice president, or in another leadership role – probably in your particular industry; perhaps even in your geographical region. That means your Coach will be a peer in experience and industry knowledge and will get actively involved in the details of your discussion about your business. Your Coach won’t actually have the power to vote on decisions, of course – which is why we sometimes call our Coaches “ghost CEOs” or “ghost partners” – but in every other aspect of the meetings, they will be right on your level.

Your Coach will get to know all the partners.

Unlike in an individual Business Coaching session, your Coach will start by talking with all the partners, getting a feel for their roles in the business, their skills and perspectives, their personal values and principles, and their long-term dreams for the business and for their own lives. Every partner will get equal attention, and will have equal time to talk in detail about themselves, as well as about the challenges and opportunities they see in your business as it works today.

Your Coach will ask questions of every partner.

A Business Coach doesn’t make specific recommendations – they ask questions; pointed, meaningful questions about the way you’re operating your business, the bottlenecks you have noticed, the gaps between the way the business is currently functioning, and the way each of the partners envisions it working. As in every other stage, each of the partners will have an opportunity to talk through a line of questioning with the coach.

Your Coach will encourage dialogue.

The use of multiple perspectives can be highly valuable for the Coach and for you and your business. These views can provide a much richer, more nuanced view of your company than a single perspective would. As each partner answers the Coach’s questions, you’re likely to notice some differences between each partner’s responses – and that’s a good thing. It creates the seeds of a dialogue that may help you arrive at new solutions. What’s more, many partners report that the partner Coaching process brings them closer together, strengthens their team relationship, and tightens their ability to work together.

These are just some of the ways in which partner Coaching – in the method of worldwide bestselling author Brian Tracy – can prove highly effective for you and your business partners. If you think this style of coaching might be right for you and your partners, get in touch with FocalPoint Business Coaching today for your free nao-obligation consultation.


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